Thursday, November 29, 2012

King, Queen, Knave-By Nabokov

Why am I always disappointed in a book when I have finished it. This one is no exception.

After finishing a book I try to put together the plot of the story which is almost always not very complicated. The story can be related in no more than fifty to seventy pages. And yet, the book is no less than three hundred pages.

I have concluded that author writes and repeats same points,  as for example, two people being in love, in various surroundings and in various words. Perhaps, to show author's mastery of the language. This is to me extraneous.

This author is a masterful writer. He commands the language beautifully. I love him for that. I was enamoured when I read following, "he was a bachelor with a beautiful marble wife, a passionate hobbyist without anything to collect, an explorer not knowing on what mountain to die, a voracious reader of unmemorable books, a happy healthy failure."

(Of course, I would have preferred "unwritten" in place of "unmemorable" and "a successful failure" in place of "happy healthy failure".)

I have come across many more new words in his books than I have ever in any other author. For example;

plage-sandy beach
vivieur-enjoyer of excesses

I will continue to forage his books.

David Petraeus

Since last ten days Ex-CIA chief David Patraeus romance story has disappeared from the face of the news media. Is it hushed up? If so, why?

Monday, November 26, 2012

Life of Pi and Lincoln

We made the best use of our fourday long week-end. We saw  two movies; Life of Pi  and Lincoln by highly acclaimed directors, Ang Lee of Sense and Sensibility fame and  Steven Spielberg of Schindler's List acclaim.

Life of Pi, though visually grand and in many ways enthralling was not quite satisfying movie.

Lincoln, on the other hand, was riveting. I predict it will win Best Direction, Best Actor, Best Screen-Play and Best Make-up Oscar awards in February. I think this is Spielberg's best yet movie.

Highly, highly  intelligent  and thought-provoking.

I want to see it again; and my husband says, I shall.

Monday, November 19, 2012


We saw Skyfall on Saturday. 

 I felt, movie is made wholesome in the sense that there was less of nudity, less of sexual inuendos, less of gadgetry, less of brutality and less of chasing around.

The most attractive features were Adele's singing, Music and Titles.  The James Bond music has changed over the years. My favorite was the original score. At one point Bond is using his old Aston Martin. Since it was like going back into history they played the old score which I thought was a great touch.  

I still believe, Titles is one category that Oscar Committee has overlooked throughout its history. I vehemently say it has its place in cinematic art and should be so recognised.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Invitation to a Beheading

I just finished reading "Invitation to a Beheading" by Vladimir Nabokov, of "Lolita" fame. The book was originally written in Russian but was later translated into English by author's son, I believe, Dimitri Nabokov.

The hero of the story Cincinnatus C. has been charged with an imaginary crime in an imaginary country; but reading between the lines one could guess it to be in Russia. He is to be executed but does not know when. He keeps asking his jailer, lawyer and the director, but no one seems to give him the straight answer. He wants to narrate the absurdity of entire experience to his wife, but cannot start the project without knowing if he has enough time to complete it.

By the way all three personnels' names start with an "R". The names sound similar, too. Another interesting observation was that Cincinnatus hardly participates in any of the conversation that takes place in the book. One infers about his character through what other people talk about him among themselves.

During his confinement he is visited by his wife Marthe and her family. The entire visit; the talk, or the absence of talk by his wife, their behaviour including the fact that they brought furniture with them was quite unreal.  Finally, his execution itself turns out to be just as surreal as the story itself.

It reminded me of the book I read by Franz Kafka, "the Trial". The similarity of the plots is that the heroes of both books were charged with an imaginary crime and nobody was willing to help them.

But I liked the book. It held my interest. It held my interest because the writing style is exquisite.

Rightly or wrongly I judge movies and books by how well they hold my interest.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


I heard a word I had not before: Kleptocracy

It means the government by thieves. Those in power rob and steal lands' resources and those governed alike.

Today, Kleptocracy is rampant all over the world. They steal when no one is looking. 

Commoners have no escape.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Another Side

I just saw an another side, an elemental side, of Obama. He wiped streaming tears while thanking his team of supporters. He was overcome with an overwhelming sense of gratitude although he continued to speak as he always does, with  steady thoughtful voice.

This may not go down very well among conservative circles. They will call and see him weak. I expect a barrage of verbal abuse from them.

I see nothing wrong.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My man, Obama


It was a hard fought, hard earned and well deserved win.

President Barack Obama (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Photograph; Yahoo Internet news

I do not believe Democracy works. But at the moment Obama was declared winner, my disbelief was suspended. People spoke against racism, big money and bullying in politics. Civility of voting, versus rebellion,  prevailed.

For a split second I was ecstatic; welcome ho-hum.

Now that election is over, Obama better think who reelected him and why.

Republicans with their overt racism, power of mega bucks and bullying better retreat in a backroom and huddle. What did just happen? And Why?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Adoption in Reverse

Before I consider adopting her, I call Kitty, she adopted me. She visits me at least once a day. I give her warm milk. She wants to linger on in our warm house but I will not let her. Because she is wild and a hunter.

When she visits she puts a smile on my face.

Kitty 1

Kitty 2