Thursday, February 10, 2011


Last night we watched a documentary "Google_Baby" first aired in 2009, directed by Zippi Frank, an Israelite.

It is about couples who cannot have babies but would do anything to have them. First Israeli couple, (husband Doron whose wife was not an active participant in filming, it seemed) had their In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Insemination done in USA. They are now proud parents of a bouncing little girl but the procedure cost them something like $140,000; a sum not within easy reach for many such infertile Israeli couples.  

Doron hooked up with an Indian Surrogacy center, located in Anand, Gujarat, India (and later in Mumbai, India); run by a doctor named, Naina Patel. The doctor finds women in need of money for their children's education and/or for a new house.  The women are paid in vicinity of 2-4 lakhs of rupees by the infertile couples. It was not mentioned how much the doctor gets. She inseminates these women with fertilized eggs donated by only caucasian women and fertilized also only by caucasian men; in many cases fathers to be. Couples will have only and only caucasian children. The surrogate mothers are supported by the doctor in her center until delivery time. They are fed, sheltered and medically looked after for nine months. These women's husbands, inspite of their considering them "Brainless" , are more than willing bystanders. Easy money!

Fathers-to-be pick and choose the donors on the basis of color of eyes, hair, looks etc.  Procedure, from start to finish is conducted in Israel, USA and India.

This takes out-sourcing to a new level...........

It would seem a win-win situation all around, but I am shaking my head; something does not sit right with me and I cannot put a finger on it.........

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