Friday, June 23, 2017

Summer Spectacle

Summer Spectacle-IMG_1155.jpg

Summer Spectacle

I stepped into a shack
counterfeit sunglasses 
displayed on its rack.

Keeper looked at me
A plea on his face 
To buy a pair, perhaps two.
He meekly followed me close 
Trying generic as I went
Returning as I tried.

What is it that you seek
Was etched on his sad little face.
A special one as in unusual
Was on mine.

He disappeared behind
A dirty old curtain 
Where he kept 
His couture best!

Emerged with silken pouches
Of frames; red, black and blue
Of round, square and oval;
Filtered and tinted lenses.
I gazed through 
One after another 
Mere to push them back.

He vanished once again
To bring cases with gold letters
Engraved on were designers names 
Kline, Dior, Versace, Ray-ban.
Tsk-tsked I; not them!

Dejected, he stared. 
Uniquely singular, I said.
Show me one pair
That through which
I can see future!

Distraught and dismayed
Without words he conveyed
That I understood.
If he such pair did own
Wouldn’t he have worn  
A genuine from a pseudo 
Buyer such as I to discern?



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