Sunday, August 6, 2017

On Seeing "Dunkirk"

On Seeing “Dunkirk”

I have fought a battle or two of my own
What do I know of wars among nations!

I have skipped meals in life once or twice
What do I know of starving without rations!

I have bled often with cuts and scrapes
What do I know of limbs blown away!

I have been singed; by flames, by flying embers
What do I know of burning alive on high waters!

I have seen deaths, perhaps one or two 
What do I know of killings en-masse!

I have wheeled disabled a few
What do I know of dying carried on broken backs!

I have sacrificed a little for others in need
What do I know of losing a child while helping others!

I have shed tears on my losses
What do I know of mothers crying oceans!

I have sunk in despair
What do I know of shell-shock!

I have toyed with killing myself
What do I know of Seppuku!

I am blissed in unknowing.
May you be so too.
If not, 
Deferential, I stand before you


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