Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sand, Sea and Sun

make Aruba. We spent a week there. Soaked up lot of sun along with alcohol accompanied by some great and some not so great food. Bhupen was in heaven because he could eat Pineapple every meal. It is his favorite fruit.

Map Of the Island

A Caribbean desert island 19 by 6 miles in area with a population of 120000 to 130000. Desert because it does not rain much here. Local languages, Dutch, Papiamento and Spanish. Mostly undeveloped and yet a heavenly place for tourists.

Staple food, colorful Iguanas who run all over the isalnd. Locals say they taste like chicken.


The tourism is served mostly by immigrants from Venezuela, Cuba, Phillipines, Dominican Republic, Colombia and Mexico. A melding spot.

A few photographs of the island and the resort we stayed in.

Caribbean Sea

Palm Trees on Resort campus

Waves of the Sea

Another hotel across

Palms in Rains

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"Commerce in Human Souls"

A close friend at the University Of Illinois at Chicago has been working tirelessly for past year or two at putting together an exhibit of rare books and manuscripts on Atlantic Slave Trade. She sent us the catalogue of her work.

I am posting the Cover and two inside pictures of the catalogue. The exhibit is supposed to be on display until, I believe,  May 2013. I think we will take a tour.

Outlook for E-mails......

is misbehaving...........................

Have called an expert..............

Playing waiting game............