Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tuber Roses-রজনীগন্ধা

Tuber Roses-রজনীগন্ধা

Yesterday afternoon I received a bouquet of not Roses, but Tuber Roses-রজনীগন্ধা. Then, unexpectedly a Bengali friend who almost never calls, called. I had a pleasant Calcutta moment; several moments; actually, the rest of the day.

It became a very special day.

None of the flowers grown in American hothouses, even Roses, disappointingly, emit the scent they are known to have. Surprisingly, Tuber Rose fragrance has enveloped my entryway. Going up or down the stairs I inhale that familiar intoxicating perfume.

Thanks to all who made this experience possible.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Down the Memory Lane -2

Vidula, Hemu, Thakore and Ba

During my post graduation studies my father died and I had to discontinue studies to earn some money. My professor, Thakore Mistry, who taught Agriculture Economics was writing a thesis on Poultry Farming in Gujarat for his doctorate degree. He already had one but needed an another assistant to help him tabulate his statistics. He was kind enough to offer me a summer job until I found another in a bank. 

This picture was taken, I was told, when he returned from USA.

His mother fought for Independence and went to jail for it. A beautiful cultured family.

He once asked me to do without God for a week and see if sky befell  me. It did not and I was a changed person.

Shortly after my arrival to USA he died of Leukemia and left a beautiful wife, young boy and widowed mother behind.

Down the Memory Lane

Mrs. Padma Vaswani
She was my Civic teacher in my high school.  I honored and respected her very much. In one of our classes she talked about recently released movie, "I want to Live". She asked us to see it, which I did not for affordability reasons. Referring to the plot she taught us, "justice system is not always just". I so loved her. When I left Calcutta for good she presented me with a shawl which I still possess and occasionally wrap myself in it.  I do not know where she is; if she is at all. Thank you Mrs.Vaswani.

Dinaz Cursetji

She remembered to send me her photograph
while on vacation in Darjeeling

Here is another person who impressed me during my impressionable age. Her name was/is Dinaz Cursetji. She was/is a Parsi lady and taught English in our college in Ahmedabad. Although I was never in her class. I was taken by her English and an air she had about her. I do not know where she is. She was the best friend of another person, below, who I was enamored by.

Nilambari and Vanraj fighting over her Camera

This was taken at a college Picnic in a scenic town of Oran on a river bank in Gujarat. Circa 1967. Nilambari and Vanraj Sheth. Nilambari taught Political Science which was not my subject but I will still attend her classes during my free periods. She was a Princess from the state of Mansa. She was very beautiful, with fair complexion and had BLUE eyes. Her name was appropriate for her looks. She never repeated the same sari in a year. Of course she was real Princess! Dinaz and Nilambari were best of friends.

Vanraj was my classmate in another subject. Very funny man, he was. I do not know where either of them are. I have forgotten the name of the third person, but I do remember she was Parsi. 

Memories; they are illusive when you need them, to one's chagrin!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Glimpses of Seattle trip 10/19/13-10/26/13

Beverly with her daughter Kate, son-in-law Cliff and
grandson Lucas with Australian Shepperd named Phoenix in her
 Condo. We did not get to meet Kyle, another grandson, this time.

Once an Indian Princess now a Grand Dame, Beverly
showing her jewelry design using the elements from
gifts that she had received from her dear ones. The
pearl necklace that we had given her once is among
the recycled items. We feel honored.

Gale Chihuly's glass work museum. This
piece was on display outdoors. 

This piece was indoors

These giant steel wave plates were captured in a park

Famous Space Needle