Saturday, June 22, 2013



I am quoting below few lines from Yahoo news by Denise Chow.

"On Sunday (June 23), the moon will reach the closest point to Earth in its asymmetrical orbit, and will appear roughly 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than the full moon at its farthest point from the planet..."

Tomorrow at 7:30am is the best time to catch the Supermoon, when the moon is at its largest during the year. But at 7:30am sun will also be up facing the setting moon. According to the metereologists tonight after sunset is the best alternate time to catch it. So I tried taking the picture with my smart phone from one of my bedroom windows.

While the result is disappointing, the event is recorded.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Oh, No! War Again?!

Oh, no! Another quagmire begins. War in Syria.Obama has agreed to support the rebels in Syria. While I do not know the details of American involvement yet, it is bad news; in my opinion.

Whatever is decided, I hope it is surgical. But knowing history of America's involvements in past I am not holding my breath!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Cram Night

I consider last night's poetry reading at Chopin Theater a big success. It was an estimable show. I enjoyed it. And, a glass of Cabernet was not entirely out of place either.

Thanks to C. J. Laity for implemetation of his great organization skills.