Thursday, January 30, 2014

Rahul By Arnab-Frankly Speaking

I wanted to know what about the "Frankly Speaking" that caused such stir. 

I watched the entire interview of Rahul Gandhi by Arnab Goswami. It was long, tedious and pathetic. Rahul came across, ignorant, non-commitant and repetitious. Rahul had two solutions for every problem posed to him; ‘empower women’ and follow the process. There is no defending him.

Arnab asked the same questions repeatedly. In certain set-up it can be construed as ‘badgering the witness’. But he can be excused as he had forewarned the interviewee of such onslaught. Had he not asked the same question more than three times at the most, the interview would have been short and the viewers would have been spared the tedium and embarrassment. Once it is established that Rahul does not measure up to the task it was not necessary to badger him. The audience who cared to watch the interview, I believe, was smart enough to get the picture soon enough. 

I do not know Indian politics nor am I qualified to comment on it. But I certainly would not vote for this man, Rahul Gandhi.

 I see interviews like this almost every day. Only yesterday when an American Congressman was confronted by a reporter about his alleged involvement in corruption, he literally threatened the reporter to throw him off the balcony or break him in half. I do not condone that either.

In this regard, at least, I congratulate Rahul; he did not lose his cool.

And, I congratulate Arnab on being persistent.


  1. Well said, Masi. It made me want to cry thinknig that this ignorant man could be our next PM. Lets hope it doesnt actually happen!
